19 century brass fertility ring madhya pradesh

Talismanic Cast Brass Farmer’s Fertility Ring
Bastar, Madhya Pradesh, India
19th century
overall approximate widest diameter: 5cm, weight: 34g
This unusual ritual ring with scenes of farming including oxen used in ploughing and so on, is of cast brass, and is of a type worn by Muria tribal men in Bastar in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. According to Untrecht (1997, p. 263), such rings were used as a male fertility talisman at the time of ploughing and crop sowing. Among the Muria, the earth (Tallur-Muttai, or ‘mother earth’) was considered as a female which the male farmer plowed and then injected his seed.
Untrecht (p. 263) and van Cutsem (2000, p. 146-147) illustrate several related examples.
The example here includes a pair of oxen ploughing, and seed-laden stalks arranged around what appears to be a well.
The ring has a fine patina, obvious age, and excellent miniature sculptural quality. It is complete; there are no losses or repairs.Traditional Jewelry of India, Thames & Hudson,